Vegetable chips

I love chips but they’re something that I have always tried to avoid. I can’t stop myself in front of a bowl of tortilla chips, even less so if they’re with guacamole! However, I usually give myself a reward on Saturday and allow myself to eat some chips. 

In the United States it is easier to find healthier chips, without added salt or baked instead of fried. The grocery stores inspired me; here you can find chips made with all kinds of veggies! That’s when I became obsessed with trying to make vegetable chips. 

My nutritional weak point is when I get distracted by the kids and I reach that point where I am so hungry that I can not wait until I am done cooking. So, I used to open the fridge or the cabinets and eat the first thing that I saw: cheese, prosciutto, or bread, but definitely not vegetables.

This is why I love to have homemade vegetable chips baked and ready for snacking. 

 I started with sweet potatoes and then tried beets, turnips, parsnips, celery root, and fennel leaves. I usually add some paprika and pepper but you can definitely add any of your favorite spices. The one annoying part is chopping the vegetables. The kitchen-aid does an amazing job but I am sure you can get a fairly inexpensive manual chopper. I had one of those when I was in Italy and loved it.

Have you ever tried to make vegetable chips? What kind is your favorite? 


Seasoning Mix:

  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder


  1. Wash the vegetables (I always leave the peel)

  2. Cut in very thin slices 

  3. Grab an oven pan 

  4. Put them in the pan

  5. Add the seasoning mix and some olive oil

  6. Bake at 400’F until they turn gold

Enjoy it! Boun appetito.


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