Lower back pain
Spine Prevention
The spine is not a rigid structure. By design, it is intended to move. Every time you move – sit, stand, bend, twist – it’s part of a kinetic chain that includes everything from the ground up, from your feet through your legs to your hips and pelvis to the spine.”
Addressing an unhealthy spine
Nerve compression, disc degeneration and facet joint arthritis are common sources of pain in the low back that can radiate into the legs.
The good news is that most issues don’t require surgery. Surgery is actually not the first step for most patients. Rather, we look to physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, steroid injections, low-impact aerobics programs or even possibly weight loss before we consider surgery. Only in rare cases where a patient is experiencing rapid progression, has a nerve deficit or an inability to walk would we consider surgery before some of the alternatives.
If surgery is determined to be necessary, many procedures require the removal and replacement of parts of the spine to reduce the pain, such as removing a worn or degenerated disk and replacing it with an artificial disk.
However, when the facet joints, or the connections between the spine’s bones, are removed, fusions are needed as there hasn’t been a good way to reconstruct those joints.
The spine is one of the last joints of the body that is still being fused for a lot of the conditions patients may experience. That’s why the advancements in spine motion preservation are so encouraging. There are groundbreaking clinical trials underway now involving total joint reconstruction in the lower spine.
Preserve the motion of your spine
That’s why we encourage people to stay fit and active to preserve spine health. He recommends low-impact aerobic exercise along with flexibility and core strength training.
Activities that engage the core, such as yoga, Pilates and crunches, really go a long way in preserving a healthy envelope of muscle around the spine and keeping it moving as it should.
Good ergonomics and lifting habits contribute to a healthy spine, too. If you have a sedentary job, ensure you have good lumbar support from your chair. And don’t forget to get up and move frequently.
We’re not meant to sit or stand in one position. The body is meant to move, and the spine plays a big part in that.