Exercising with love


I love Valentines in the United States, where it is not only a cheesy day for couples but it’s the celebration of love. I really appreciate that daycare kids share their valentines cards and learn how to express this feeling. It may be simple for some of you, but for others it may be quite challenging to feel, process, and most of all share love aloud. 

What’s love for you? For me, it’s that feeling that leads you to care, give, admire, share, do for and together. Wow, I am already exhausted. It is a hard topic for me. I am working on it, but I find it hard to express my love with words. My way of loving is doing and giving. I’ve also recently begun to understand how important it is to know how our lovers show their love, in order to fully enjoy the relationship. 

That’s a very important tip that we should consider to make showing and sharing our love easier. 

Sharing is caring

Do you know this song? If you have kids I am sure you do! In my opinion, sharing is the biggest form of love. I share with my loved ones; I share things, experiences, thoughts, passions and ideas. It is important to me to have something in common with my loved ones. I remember when I was younger I would say “the man in my life needs to have a driver's license!”  or “I will never date a guy who doesn’t ski.” Looking back now, those statements seem so trivial, but they reflected my 18 years old values (caring mostly about independence and sports). I now know that’s not all that matters in life or in a partner, but funny enough, that’s still what I ended up with! I was looking for an independent, funny, and athletic guy, and here I am. On the other side of the world, having fun, being an active mentor. I share with my partner the need to be active. We motivate each other by just taking care of ourselves exercising and that’s something that we don’t even negotiate because it’s an essential part to keep our family life balanced. To reconnect this to the Giorgia fitMindset program, we want to exercise to not only be appreciated by our loved ones, but because we (hopefully!) share the same passion and value of taking care of ourselves.

Make your love working out

Support each other, motivate each other, do it together, make it work. Whether you are a very athletic person or a couch potato with active goals, share your needs about it with your loved ones because I am sure they are in your same boat. It’s easy to talk in terms of couples supporting each other, but we have so many more great examples of relationship pairings in our community; mother and daughter, son and father, sisters and friends. If being active is one of your priorities, you’re likely to find it’s  the same for your loved ones, too. One of you, a few days ago, told me “It doesn’t matter where you are in the world. Everyone around you becomes active!” It’s so true! And it’s because I first start caring, and then sharing. And that’s the way I show my love to all of you. Trust me, it works, and you can do the same. 


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