Can I work out when I am sick?
Feel your body
Before science, there is always common sense. When you feel under the weather, you need to listen to your body and make your own decision.
There is nothing wrong with exercising while being sick or just resting, it just depends on your personal needs.
Generally, your symptoms will improve within two to three days, and lean mass and fat mass are slowly compartmentalized. Thus, they will not transform in a short period and your shape will stay intact.
However, personally, if I rest for a whole day, my sleep worsens, my body aches, and my energy drops. That’s why I rarely decide to not move my body, even if I feel sick.
What can I do while I am sick?
If the symptoms are severe, such as fever over 100’F, worsening cough and sore throat, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, and/or vomiting, I would suggest taking a rest and working on mobility (such as broomstick and elastic band exercises) and stretching.
On the other hand, if the symptoms are mild, we can definitely try to show up and work out but while keeping a low-medium intensity. Both aerobic and lifting are allowed, but without achieving a high intensity.
The intensity Is the most important parameter to pay attention to when feeling sick. In the long term, working out at high intensity helps improve our immune system. However, while fighting a virus, high-intensity workouts can complicate the dynamics within the body and ultimately not help healing at all.
So as usual, the key is listening to our well-structured fitMindset, common sense and our prioritized personal needs.