Thank you!
Behind GfM
Behind the scene there is hard work from amazing people that believe in Giorgia fitMindset’s principles and support everyday this project. Yes, I am talking with you!! You are that amazing person that showing up on zoom, at the Masterclass, at the Workshops makes our everything possible!!
Sport is values, Sport is ecofriendly, Sport is community, Sport is life!! Thank you for being supportive.
This is a post that I wrote over a year ago when I was still fighting to find my happy place in the United States:
“What do you do in life? The first answer popping into my head is that I am a nurse. I got my Italian nursing degree in 2012 and started working in an Intensive Care post-heart surgery unit. I stayed there for 7 years and simultaneously obtained two specialty degrees: in nursing emergency and health care facilities management. Then I had to move to the States to support my husband’s career and I am now working on establishing my own. I loved being an emergency nurse! Aside from my deep interest in the medical and biological aspects of the human body, I also like to provide care to everyone around me. Giorgia fitMindset is an outcome of this desire to help.”
The non-American dream
I am not going to hide from you, I never believed in the American dream and I had never found anything close to it. The frustration and suffering was intense until I found beautiful people that inspired, motivated, and helped me to move on and look further. I still miss the adrenaline of being an emergency nurse but honestly at Giorgia fitMindset I really show my best self. The combination of taking care of people and my passion for sport complement my natural skills of being a motivator and a leader.
I had never thought of becoming a personal trainer. I actually had never thought of moving to the United States either but here I am, emotional to leave what I now call Home.
Why am I telling you this? Because, this is all because of you!
GfM is everywhere
Thank you to our amazing staff, Emma, Ian, Mei, Elyse. We finally are real and everywhere:
IG page
FB group
FB page
YouTube Channel
Feel free to share everything with family and friends
THANK YOU to ALL of you from our first member, Fio, to the latest new entry, Joanne. From those who tried and didn’t fit into it to the Masterclass-lovers. Thank you to our Italian students who let me feel more connected to my past, and to my American students who helped me improve and challenge myself. Thank you to the online, offline and hybrid members. THANK YOU one more time, each of you are unique and essential for this community.
Why am I so sweet today? Because I am leaving home to go visit family and friends after another long and intense year of our lives that at the end was so full of joy because of you.
Yeeeeeeah!!! We have the T-shirt!!! Different colors and quotes for the different stages. As in Judo and Martial Arts, there are different belts to clarify the technical level and being inspirational for the beginners, same at GfM. Giorgia fitMindset is not only a fitness program but it’s the active journey that aims to lead establishing an empowered long lasting active routine, The #25 weeks and #50 weeks T-shirts want to be the prize for the goal achieved and show the respect for the hard work behind the scene.
Contact me for order your first GfM T-shirt.