Italian Barley Salad

Barley is one of the most widely consumed grains in the American diet This versatile grain has a somewhat chewy consistency and a slightly nutty flavor that can complement many dishes. It’s also rich in many nutrients and packs some impressive health benefits, ranging from improved digestion and weight loss to lower cholesterol levels and a healthier heart.

Here are 9 evidence-based health benefits of barley.

1. Rich in Many Beneficial Nutrients

Whole grain barley contains a range of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial plant compounds. Soaking or sprouting your barley can improve absorption of these nutrients.

2. Reduces Hunger and May Help You Lose Weight

Barley contains soluble fiber, which reduces hunger and enhances feelings of fullness. It may even promote weight loss.

3. Insoluble and Soluble Fiber Content Improves Digestion

Barley’s high fiber content helps food move through your gut and promotes a good balance of gut bacteria, both of which play important roles in digestion.

4. May Prevent Gallstones and Reduce Your Risk of Gallbladder Surgery

Gallstones are solid particles that can form spontaneously in your gallbladder, a small organ located under the liver. The gallbladder produces bile acids which your body uses to digest fat. The type of insoluble fiber found in barley may help prevent the formation of gallstones and reduce the likelihood of gallbladder surgery.

5. Beta-Glucans May Help Lower Cholesterol

The type of insoluble fiber found in barley appears to reduce cholesterol levels by preventing its formation and increasing its excretion through the feces.

6. May Reduce Heart Disease Risk

Regularly adding barley to your diet may reduce risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure and “bad” LDL cholesterol.

7. Magnesium and Soluble Fiber May Protect Against Diabetes

Whole-grain barley may help improve insulin production and reduce blood sugar levels, both of which may reduce the likelihood of type 2 diabetes.

8. May Help Prevent Colon Cancer

Its insoluble fiber specifically helps reduce the time food takes to clear your gut, which appears particularly protective against colon cancers. Additionally, soluble fiber may bind to harmful carcinogens in your gut, removing them from your body. Other compounds found in barley — including antioxidants, phytic acid, phenolic acids and saponins — may further protect against cancer or slow its development. That said, more human studies are needed before strong conclusions can be drawn.

9. Versatile and Easy to Add to Your Diet

Barley is cheap, edible warm or cold and easily added to a variety of savory and sweet dishes.

Giorgia Recipe

3 cups of barley

10 tomatoes

250 gr cottage cheese

2 tuna or 4 eggs 

Olive oil



  1. Bring 6 cups of water to a boil 

  2. When the water is boiling, add 1 fist of salt 

  3. Add the barley to the water and lower the heat

  4. In the meantime, wash and cut the tomatoes in cubes ~ 2cmx2cmx2cm

  5. Taste the barley and when it is soft, drain it and wash with cold water

  6. When the barley is cold, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil

  7. Add the tomatoes and cottage cheese

  8. Add 4 boiled eggs (sliced) or 2 tuna cans

Serve cold, fridge temperature, or outdoor temperature. 



Semifreddo - Half cold


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