Why is it so hard to establish an active routine?
I hear you
I feel the heaviness around me. We were so happy and looking forward to finally having back our Christmas holidays and bam! Covid-19 hit again, so abruptly. We thought we had learned the impossible from the Pandemic but, incredibly, it surprised us again. As kids, we played with grown ups hiding stuff in their hands. After a few minutes you got the pattern and you were so proud of your new skill learned. You were ready to show your success and then the adults tricked you again. How can that be? Sometimes, I think there is only one answer: it’s life.
For New Year Eve, we were all on our knees, again separated and incredulous. However, on January 1st, one more time we were full of hope. Ready to fight our destiny and to work on our souls again. We all made our new year resolutions with a lot of will. Unfortunately, when we opened our eyes on Monday January 3rd the world was still the same and our lives were not magically easier. We all got our issues back, health problems, family duties, work heaviness and so on. Is it going to get better? Honestly, it won’t. Are you going to cope better? Yes, you will–but only if you want to. Try to take a few steps back, take a look at your life from outside and tell me: is everything in balance? How many things do you have to do and how many things do you want to do?
If you can’t do something that you really would like to do that means you need a reset.
Just do it
It’s exactly in the dark periods where we need to have a solid routine. If we have a down and everything goes in the trash that means that there were already some cracks in the system.
Now, both if you are very proud of your established routine and if you are struggling to go back on track I suggest you take a moment and do some math: you need to know where the hours of your day go. As life's problems will never disappear, the hours of the day will always be 24 for the rest of your life. And if I know you, you want to juggle the obstacles and make it happen.Thus, observe one of your regular days. You will realize that you have more time than what you think. Based on the math, list your priorities and see how easy it is to show up for yourself. Just do it, don’t waste time thinking of doing something you have decided you want to do. You made the time for it and you know you want to do it–so, just do it!