
Minestrone is from my region, Liguria. It’s very easy to make, and delicious! 

Ingredients for 8-10 servings: 

8 carrots

8 zucchini

4 big potatoes

2 big onions

500 gr of green beans

50ml olive oil




  1. Wash and dice all the vegetables (except potatoes)

  2. Put everything in a big pot

  3. Turn the heat on at medium level

  4. Add some vegetable broth or water to cover the vegetables

  5. Wash and peel the potatoes, but don’t cut them

  6. Add the potatoes to the big pot 

  7. When the potatoes are cooked, turn the heat off

  8. Mash the potatoes and add them to the vegetables

  9. Add the olive oil

  10. Add salt and pepper as you like

  11. When you are ready to eat it, warm it up.

  12. You can add parmesan if you’d like. 

Enjoy it - Buon appetito!

P.S. save the rest of the minestrone in the refrigerator for the following week.

Video instructions: https://photos.app.goo.gl/eC1Vs8o4LBYfbrd37


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