Personal Evaluation: how?
How to complete the Personal Evaluation
The Personal Evaluation aims to help students get to know their body and their current physical and mental condition. That’s why it’s submitted at the beginning of the Giorgia fitMindset journey and is repeated every four months.
During each quadrimestral break, everyone completes their Personal Evaluation: they step on the scale, they measure their bodies’ circumferences, and they exercise at their maximum intensity following a video (uploaded by Giorgia). Lastly, it’s very important to set personal goals (3 suggested) for the next quarter.
When they are done with their homework, they send their Personal Evaluation to me.
I then take all of the personal information to evaluate and give feedback using my nursing knowledge and sport experience.
“I am always very happy to review the Personal Evaluation because it’s the real proof of the commitment that each student has made. The Personal Evaluation is not just a piece of paper, but is the first step to embracing the fitMindset”.
What do you think?
Could the Personal Evaluation encourage you to establish a new active routine?
Giorgia’s review
As soon as I get each Personal Evaluation, I rush to review it because I want to validate every single second each member puts toward embracing the fitMindset.
We have 2 different types of review: the initial and the trimester.
Initial Review:
the numbers of the circumference measurements are translated into sizes (S-M-L-XL). It’s easier to understand the sizes and it gives a complete picture of the body’s mass distribution and helps to visualize the parts that need to be stressed more;
BMI: knowing your BMI is very useful, especially in people that have the common fixed mindset of being obsessed with losing weight. But it’s also a good motivator for those who starts in non-healthy trades;
The circuits show weaknesses and strengths, and highlight the areas of the body and exercises we need to work on.
Quarter Review:
Each number, circumference, BMI, and circuit result is compared to the previous Personal Evaluation.
We mathematically see if we reached the goals set 3 months earlier, and it leads us into the upcoming trimester.
In the feedback - review form that everyone receives, after Giorgia’s meticulous evaluation, there is a personal motivational letter, with sincere congratulations if the commitment shown through the trimester was strong and consistent, along with personal advice and tips to reach the future goals.