We are body-friendly

Not afraid of our bodies anymore! 

At first I was afraid of the Personal Evaluation, too. I completed my first one just last March.  I didn’t want to know the results! But, I did it because I was exhausted last winter, always at home cooking and eating, and needed a guide to begin feeling better about my body; a fresh start to help me to reexamine my lifestyle.

The Personal Evaluation isn’t meant to be scary, but instead is the first step to making a solid and trustful relationship with your personal trainer (me!). There is no judgement, only awareness raised of where you are and where you want to go.

Through the Personal Evaluation you show me your physical and mental needs and I will lead you in reaching your personal goals. 

Making plans, organizing your schedule, and following a routine are fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle. Also, making your body your friend is the first principle of leading a healthy, active lifestyle. 

The Giorgia fitMindset manifesto highlights the importance of feeling good over looking good, but sometimes the line between those two mindsets is blurred.

What do you think? Is good appearance ever connected to mental and physical wellness?  

Sizes Easy

At the beginning of their journey with Giorgia fitMindset, every student is requested to fill out their Personal Evaluation.  

What do I do with your measurements?

At first, I convert all the numbers into sizes XS - S - M - L - XL

Why do I do that?

One of the most important steps to embrace the fitMindset is to learn how to listen to our body and to become aware of our body shape. The numbers of the body’s circumferences don’t say anything by themselves, while I’ve found that sizes help us picture our physical structure as a whole.

There are people who are obsessive with certain parts of their bodies that are actually completely balanced, or others who don’t realize where their weaknesses are in their body shape.

Putting your measurements into sizes really helps to set goals and lead our members to having a friendlier relationship with their bodies.  

Why Quadrimestral? NO STRESS

The Giorgia fitMindset fitness program is organized in quarters. Every 4 months the students who follow the coaching plan do the Personal Evaluation, the measurements and circuits, and they set their own new goals. I have designed the structure of the program this way to be as personalized and generalized as possible. What does this mean? 

Personalized: The Personal Evaluation is the most personalized instrument that Giorgia fitMindset offers. It is required to be done on your own and it is followed by a 1-1 coaching call where we talk about personal physical and mindset achievements and we make a new plan based on the new goals.

Generalized: The workouts are group classes, where the community becomes an essential and unique tool to get motivation and support. The quarter periods follow a generic schedule, typically following the seasons and the most popular times when people go on vacation.

On top of that, I decided to create quarterly programs, four months by four months, to properly deal with any type of issues and never get stressed about the goals that are set. The goal setting is fun but I don’t want anyone to become obsessed with achieving their results. I believe, after years of experience, that four months is the right amount of time for busy and ambitious students to enjoy their active empowering journey.   


Running shoes


Let’s plan!