Summer preparation
Let’s shape the V for the summer
The specific exercises in the workout are as follows:
Bottom Up Rotation – Archer Tucks x 45 seconds / 15 second rest
Top Down Rotation – Russian Twists x 45 seconds / 15 second rest
Bottom Up Lateral Flexion – Side Plank Bridge Twists x 45 seconds each side / 15 second rest
Top Down lateral flexion right – Side Cycle Crunch (Band Elbow Thrusts Option) x 45 seconds
Anti-lateral Flexion – Side Plank Walk Throughs x 45 seconds each side / 15 seconds rest
Anti-Rotation – Wall Locks (Oak Tree Step Outs Option) x 45 seconds each side / 15 seconds rest
“The key to any oblique workout is getting good quality contractions.”
You never want to rush your way through any of the oblique exercises that you are doing. It’s not the number of reps that you are doing in any of these workouts but the intensity of the contraction and how well you are feeling the muscle working. This means, that even if you have to go slower in order to really feel a squeeze in the right or left sides, do it.
This can be done in addition to whatever ab workout you may be doing at the moment. Just remember to remove whatever exercises for obliques you may be doing in that workout since you won’t need to double up. The amount of volume here is appropriate to get those obliques of yours looking way better and to get rid of the love handles once and for all.
Regarding the loss of the love handles or the fat that lays over the top of these muscles? It is critical that you get your body fat levels down to around 10-12% if you want to see your best oblique muscle definition. This can only be accomplished by following a good total body workouts routine and a balance meal plan that helps you to get the right amount of carbs, fibers and proteins with any additional stress.
I’ll post a video in the few days on Instagram and YouTube to follow ;)