Set your goals
Personal goal setting
The last session of the Personal Evaluation is the Goals Setting form.
Everyone is asked to set their own personal goals. It could be anything from establishing a new active routine, to losing weight or gaining lean mass, or even improving certain physical skills like increasing the duration of holding the plank pose.
Our goals are quarterly because Giorgia fitMindset aims to encourage people to establish a long-lasting active routine in respect of our bodies. The hard work usually leads to success, but perseverance and consistency even more.
We don’t have to stress about our goals, but we need to keep them in mind to be motivated to show up everyday to the workouts.
The goal setting helps to keep our internal motivation alive. Especially for unmotivated people or ex-athletes, it is hard to stay focused without a goal ahead. That’s one of the differences between a regular fitness program and Giorgia fitMindset. Every member is constantly motivated and supported from different aspects of the program, one of them being the process of goal setting.
In the Personal Evaluation review that Giorgia sends there is feedback about the personal goals and unique advice and tips to reach those specific goals.
Once goals are reached, the celebration for goals reached is incredible! We take an earned rest from the workouts, usually for a few days. Sometimes the goals are not achieved, and if not, we analyze why and work together to find a more appropriate goal or better plan for meeting that goal in the upcoming trimester.
In conclusion, the personal goal setting should be a motivating tool that helps us stay on track when we’re feeling down, unmotivated, or when the excuses take over. That’s one of the reasons why we exercise, that’s why we must show up.
When I was 17 years old, my life coach explained the importance of scheduling, organizing and having short, medium and long term goals to me. As you can see, I’ve used that advice ever since!
What about you? Do you like goal setting?
Personal advice to reach personal goals
The last (but not least!) part of the personal evaluation review is personal advice to reach the trimestral goals that have been set.
For each of the three goals you set, I add a comment. It could be a running plan if someone wants to reach a running goal, or encouragement to track daily water intake if someone would like to decrease their skin’s imperfections, or even support in planning the week ahead if their commitment is still shaky.
For instance, just this morning I was reviewing a personal evaluation where all the goals were about improving different sport performances. This student has a lot of motivation, but just like a lot of new moms, she finds it hard to schedule her new active routine. So my advice was very simple, if you want to reach those goals you need to exercise more, which may mean showing up even with the little one around.
She can’t go climbing and running with her daughter because she is too young, but she can certainly join GfM classes with her playing in the jumper or in the Pack & Play.
The main goal of advice like this is to help GfM members find the solution for their problems. Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to help seemingly insurmountable barriers become easily fixable.
The personal advice is not magic, but my hope is it offers effective and efficient tips to make your road to your personal goals easier.