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More than 20 different workouts
Giorgia fitMindset offers a huge variety of different workouts. HIIT, Cardio fitness, Total body, Tabata and plank sessions. These exercises are possible with simple equipment such as a broomstick, milk containers/kettlebells, a stability ball, a medicine ball or a pillow plus a chair and an elastic band. Most of the sessions have a big cardio-interval component.
For example, the legs workout has 20 leg-specific exercises, each followed by a cardio exercise. Other classes focus on using the kettlebells, stability ball, or elastic band, and have cardio rounds throughout the class as well. Giorgia fitMindset workouts are a well-organized and balanced fitness routine that aim to build strength and endurance.
The 20 workouts cover 5 weeks (4 workouts/week + 1 stretching session/week). That means that we do the same workouts every 5 weeks even though through the quarter we increase strength, endurance and cardio intervals. Thus, each class is uniquely different during the same quarter. The 5 weeks plan aims to properly exercise and rest all our muscles. All GfM classes are mainly total-body workouts but every day we focus on a certain area: Mondays: Easy legs + butt Tuesdays: Strong Legs Wednesdays: Stretching Thursdays: Endurance Fridays: Core.
Motivation first.
The importance of challenges.
Giorgia fitMindset is a very challenging fitness program but not only because of the workouts. In order to keep the motivation of my students high through the year I structured the program with a lot of challenges. Weekly Challenge, Quarterly goals and Personal Evaluation.
Why? I used to be a Judo athlete, and when I was 14 years old I started to add in sports conditioning workouts on top of my Judo training. The additional conditioning laid the foundation for improving all the body performances that I needed in order to reach my Judo goals. At the age of 28, I moved to the United States and joined a regular fitness gym. I tried different classes and followed certain teachers because I liked their style. After a few months, I found my balance with their classes and my running sessions. However, I still felt that something was missing in the big picture of my active life. I didn’t realize what it was until I started to build my own workout plans.
Since Giorgia fitMindset was born, my workouts (the Everyday Strength Conditioning sessions) are more balanced. They are challenging, but also doable at every pace. What I was missing most from the classes that I used to attend at the gym was the challenge for my body and my mind. Starting the Giorgia fitMindset community has shown me how important it is to keep pushing the limits and continue to find new inspiration.
Break your own limits.
Set your own goals.
It’s true for everything in our lives but even more in fitness: we need goals. It’s so motivating to clearly see the reason we exercise, and why we work hard and commit. Your goal can be improving endurance, your strength, losing weight, or small things such as increasing the seconds you can hold a plank pose, or how many push ups or crunches you can do.
That’s why we follow a quarterly schedule. The quarter usually ends with a holiday period such as Easter, summer vacation, or Thanksgiving and Christmas. During these vacation periods we get some days off from Giorgia, but never from the fitMindset. In order to keep the fitMindset alive during the down time, Giorgia provides a vacation tips guide, some short but intense workouts to do on your own to measure your personal advancements, and we fill out the quarter evaluation and get ready to restart the program. That’s one way the Giorgia fitMindset program is unique: it’s well organized to keep motivation high. It’s always challenging but at the same time it’s adjustable to every need. The group support is an important advantage but without losing the focus on personal wishes and ambitions.
Human beings need challenge, and they need to see the physical and noticeable results made with their sacrifice. This is why my first goal is to never let the workouts become mundane, but always try to push you past your limits. All of this will always be done with a gentle and soft approach, in which you can enjoy the process of setting your goals and allowing me to help you reach them. And I know you will because, if you follow your routine and the commitment, you can do anything!