Giorgia fitMindset 2022

I have been working for the last few months to create the best GfM program ever. Our fundamentals will remain the same: 1 hour every session ( warm up, intensity, stretching) weekly challenges, upgrading through the quadrimesters, online and offline options but this year I want to keep everyone fully involved and highly motivated.

How? By modifying, and improving our already amazing routine. There’s always room for improvement, right?


Giorgia fitMindset fitness program is organized in quadrimesters: Winter&Spring, Summer and Fall. At the end of each trimester we usually take a break with homework. The assignments aim to evaluate the fitness levels achieved. The first assignment is the Personal Evaluation, a few body measurements, and a goal-setting portion. The other 3 pieces of homework are very special workouts that require completing at full force, ending exhausted and breathless.

3 levels of intensity

Giorgia fitMindset offers 24 different workouts divided in 6 unique weeks. 

The Quadrimesters have 3 levels of intensity. Every 6 weeks we upgrade to a harder level. Thus, every quadrimester the first 6 weeks are low-medium intensity, the second round of 6 weeks are medium-high intensity and the last part of the trimester is a very high level of intensity.

Example: Squat repetitions

1/3 Q : 10reps

2/3 Q: 15reps

3/3Q: 20reps

The workouts

The Giorgia fitMindset weekly routine offers 10 online classes a week (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays) plus offline weekly stretching sessions. All the classes are total body; combinations of strength, endurance, and cardio but each day of the week pays a particular focus on a different body part. Mondays are focused on inner thighs and butt, Tuesdays on core, Thursdays are HIIT and Fridays are focused on strong legs. 

The 6 weeks

The 6 weeks are organized following the muscle groups involved in each session. Every week has a special challenge that opens the daily workouts. The challenge is completed at the end of every week and, just as the workouts do, it increases throughout the Trimester. 

Example: Hold the V

1/3 Q : 1 minute

2/3 Q: 2 minutes

3/3Q: 3 minutes

Week 0:

Challenge: None

Monday - Legs review

Tuesday - Arms and Easy Legs review

Thursday - Cardio review

Friday - Core review

Week 1 

Challenge: Plank

Monday - Elastic Band 2

Tuesday - Broomstick 1

Thursday - Tabata 1

Friday - Kettlebells 1

Week 2 

Challenge: Water

Monday - Medicine Ball

Tuesday - Core + Cardio

Thursday - Tabata 2 

Friday - Total Body 1

Week 3

Challenge: Hold the Squat

Monday - Plank + Easy Legs 1

Tuesday - Fitness Ball 2

Thursday - Tabata 3 

Friday -  Elastic Band 1

Week 4

Challenge: Dead Bug

Monday - Kettlebells 2

Tuesday - Broomstick 2 

Thursday - Squat Tabata 

Friday -  Total Body 2

Week 5

Challenge: Hold the V

Monday - Easy legs - butt + Cardio

Tuesday - Fitness Ball 1

Thursday - Tabata 4 

Friday -  Plank + Strong Legs 1


Based on the weekly routine, we use different or no equipment every day.

Mondays: Kettlebells or dumbbells, Medicine Ball (or a regular ball or a weight + pillow), Elastic Band

Tuesdays: Fitness Ball (or a pillow), Broomstick

Thursdays: Dumbbells or Kettlebells

Fridays: Kettlebells or dumbbells, Elastic Band


The commitment is going to remain one of the fundamentals of GfM.

Top Membership: 4workouts/week + weekly stretching session

Push Membership: 3workouts/week + weekly stretching session

GoGoGo Membership: 2workouts/week + weekly stretching session

Offline-self pace: If you miss one of the classes or your life schedule doesn’t match with our workout schedule, you will always have the chance of working out following the recordings.

Push Membership: follows Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays classes

GoGoGo Membership: follows Mondays and Thursdays classes.


Winter and Sports


The winter cabbage