Stability Ball
GfM Stability routine
Giorgia fitMindset offers two different workouts with the fitness ball. Both are organized in the same way; 4 big circuits, including 1 strength round alternating with 3 minutes of cardio intervals.
Warm up: easy exercises with the ball to reactivate our body.
Circuit 1
1° round: Crunch on the ball.
1° cardio round: burpees, mountain climber, move the ball L-R and shuffle-shuffle rainbow (all while using the ball).
Circuit 2
2° round: plank, feet or hands on the ball and plank modifications.
2°cardio round: we use the ball as an obstacle and we sprint and jump over the ball. (Back and Forth, Left and Right, feet closed.)
Circuit 3
3° round: Butt and easy legs on the ball (ex. Squeeze the ball)
3°cardio round: we move back and forth, left to right like a basketball player.
Circuit 4
4° round: Legs, squat and squeeze the ball, lunge with one foot on the ball.
4° cardio round: High knees, butt kicks, jumping jacks and football run, all while moving the ball up & down or holding the ball with arms straight and squeezing it.
Core Grand Final: Repetition of the first strength round to end with abs on fire.
These two Sports Conditioning classes aim to train our balance and work hard on our core muscles.
Challenge your body’s balance with fun
The stability ball workout requires a lot of balance, and that’s why all the deepest muscles are activated. In particular, our core muscles are constantly working.
When used properly, stability balls can strengthen the core (abdominal and lower back muscles). These muscles are used to perform daily activities. A strong core helps to protect the back and stabilize the whole body, including the spine, pelvis, hips and shoulders.
It’s a very challenging workout. At the beginning it can be hard and frustrating, as a lot of the poses are very hard to hold. However, as soon as you become more comfortable with the ball, the workout becomes more interesting and enjoyable.
The stability ball classes are definitely some of the most fun workouts of Giorgia fitMindset.
Some people hesitate to buy the stability ball because it is big and bulky, which I understand. But what if I tell you that you could use it all day long? If I haven't convinced you yet, let me just say that the stability ball is the best work chair ever. Sitting on the ball while working at your computer (or doing any desk work) will help you to reduce all the back pain related to bad posture.
Here is the size chart to buy the perfect stability ball for your body.
Your Height Desk height Ball size
< 4’8” - <146 cm 20 inch 45 cm
4’8” - 5’3” 147cm → 163cm 24 inch 55 cm
5’4” - 5’10” 164 cm → 180 cm 28 inch 65 cm
5’ 11” - 6’4” 180 cm → 193 cm 32 inch 75 cm
> 6’ 5” 36 inch 85 cm
If you're using the exercise ball as a chair, however, the University of Minnesota Extension recommends using a ball one size larger than you would for typical exercise. So, for example, an individual up to 5 feet tall would bump up to a 55 cm exercise ball.