Self care is not selfish

It’s not only your problem

You are not the only one having a hard time taking care of yourself. I am the worst. Since I moved to the United States, I have been working with a life coach to help with this. I am so proud that I’ve been able to tackle a lot of dark parts of my past, but it continues to be a challenge to truly take care of myself daily. 

I love taking care of others; friends and family are first place in my ladder of importance. I also care about work; my clients are my first thought in the morning and last one in the evening. I even spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to help strangers or even people who don’t demonstrate the same care in return. I realize it’s so silly, because then I don’t have time to take care of myself. 

I have improved a lot in the last few years, and also thanks to Giorgia fitMindset. As I always say, I am the best customer of GfM. That’s why I want to repeat, aloud, the self care manifesto.

How can it not be selfish?

You might think that by taking an hour for yourself, you are taking one hour away from your kids, your partner, work, or your friends, but that’s not true. It’s  time to ditch the guilt around taking time for ourselves. When you start to accept that it’s actually a need, you will understand that the quality of the time you give to others is more important than the quantity. And time for yourself helps improve the quality of the time you’re giving in the rest of your life.

How happy, relaxed and full of energy are you after a class, a run, or some stretching while listening to good music? 

Self care is an investment; you will be a better you and you will be able to do even more with your time. It recharges your energy and helps you do everything else with more enthusiasm.

Self care is the commitment we need to make the best version of ourselves. I’m sure everyone who cares about you will support and appreciate that. 

Seems impossible?

If you think making time for yourself is impossible but you really want to make it work, you need to accept that you may need to look for help first. You don’t have to figure it all out on your own; I have always trusted specialists to guide me. Listen to your body and mind, and try to figure out what you need to take care of yourself. It could be a tea before going to bed, or an acupuncturist session, a workout plan, or a membership at the swimming pool. Find your personal needs and satisfy them. 

I wholeheartedly believe that everyone could benefit from counseling, as well. I personally love it and it’s one of the ways that I take care of myself. Especially if you can’t figure out what you need on your own, a counselor can help give you unbiased and well-informed assistance in choosing the next steps to take toward a healthier, well-balanced you.


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