Why do I get faster results on my arms?

Stronger arms

A lot of Giorgia fitMindset members notice their first results on their arms.

“I am finally able to carry my kids without suffering!”

“I live on the 5th floor without an elevator, and thanks to you I am able to move 6 packs of water at a time!”

“My arms look thin and defined!”

“I am not embarrassed to wear short sleeve shirts anymore.”   

When they joined the GfM fitness routine, some were not able to do even one push-up on their knees. After a few months, I can see how proud they are of the results of their hard work. 

Our arms are made up of small muscles, compared to our legs and core, and it’s usually one of the last areas where fat accumulates. That’s why a lot of people in their 30’s- 40’s following a good arms plan get significant results.It’s important to properly celebrate the initial results we see in our arms, without worrying about our belly or inner thighs right away. Those are big muscle groups and they take longer to be sculpted, but with time and perseverance we’ll get there, too.   

At Giorgia fitMindset we work out our arms in a few different ways. The most important exercises for arms are push ups and other exercises that don’t require equipment.  

Smiling while Suffering

I have heard from a lot of students that at the beginning of the program, arm exercises are the hardest. That’s why, for me, it’s so important to lead each class with a positive and energetic spirit to help my students complete the tough exercises without thinking about the suffering

This is another very important testimonial I am so proud of:

“One of the most important aspects of Giorgia fitMindset workouts is that Giorgia leads the classes, even the hardest ones, always smiling, with serenity and underestimating the intensity.

Her reassuring smile is very motivational for all of us that always follow Giorgia with tenacity and stubbornness to the end of each session.”  

Another very important aspect for me when we exercise, is that we never have to reach a plateau. For arms, that means we always strive to find harder modifications or increase the repetitions. This way, we keep the intensity, but continue smiling because we’ll continue to see results.

For instance, a beginner will start doing all the push-ups on their knees, but progressively will start to go on their feet. Then, when posture is perfected, their repetitions will increase.  

The experienced members of GfM even add some weights when performing the easy arm exercises in order to keep pushing themselves and avoid the plateau.

Arms Focus

Easy but effective easy arms exercises

The best examples are the easy but effective easy arms exercises. 

These infamous exercises include: small arm circles (clockwise and counterclockwise), holding elbows and hands close and pressing to the ceiling, and punches and hooks. 

They are easy, safe exercises specifically for arms that don’t require any equipment. You don’t feel the fatigue while doing them, but you feel the hard work the day after!

Those exercises are part of one of the two Total Body workouts, and one of the Tabata workouts. 

Push Ups

Giorgia fitMindset workouts have more than ten push-up modifications, including: regular, wide, close, moving, shoulders, and even Judo push-ups. Usually, we do push-ups on Tabata day or on the fitness ball.  Some of our weekly challenges involve push-ups too.


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