
What do you do with BROOMSTICK?

The Giorgia fitMindset Sports Conditioning routine offers two workouts with the broomstick: one more focused on legs, and the other more focused on core. 

It includes 4 big circuits, each of them with 3 core exercises and 3 legs exercises. 

I round: Legs: squat - lunge backward - kick backward

Core: full crunch - heel touches - small crunch

II round: Legs: squat (moving the broomstick) - lateral lunge 1 - lateral kicks

Core:  sit up - L crunch - R crunch

III round: Legs: moving squat - curtsy lunge - lateral lunge 2 

Core: hold the V - X-man alternate - hold the lower V

IV round: Legs: bouncing squat - hold 1 leg squat - sumo squat 

Core: V pulse - toes touch -  book crunch

The Giorgia fitMindset broomstick workout is generally low intensity but very effective. Usually, we use the broomstick on Friday as a conclusion to the week. It doesn’t require a lot of energy, but we feel its power the day after! 


It was my brother who, at the beginning of the pandemic, started using the broomstick to teach judo classes. I loved it and soon I decided to introduce the broomstick to Giorgia fitMindset. It’s no cost; everyone has a broomstick at home and it is so helpful for exercising. 

First of all, it helps to keep the right poses during every movement. It doesn’t allow you to use accessory muscles. Consequently, it only allows you to activate the muscles that the exercise requires in order to achieve the perfect workout.

Most importantly, the broomstick class trains our postural muscles. In our daily life we don’t pay attention to our posture, we keep our chest and shoulders closed, our back arched and we often use one side more than the other. For example, when we work in front of a laptop we keep the pose that is most comfortable in that moment. Usually, it’s bad posture and we do that because we don’t have strong enough postural muscles to keep our body in line. All these bad habits can lead to postural imbalances that result in back and neck pain, or even migraines. 

It’s hard to workout those muscles because they are hidden and definitely not an exterior priority. That’s why I like the broomstick so much; while working hard on defining our abs and legs, it silently challenges our postural muscles, helping us build and easily keep great posture during our daily life. 

Join our broomstick workout and feel the benefits of improving your posture!


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