The roast

Yummy, yummy for your tummy

We all know that we have to decrease the amount of red meat in our meal plan. 

By decreasing the meat in our lives, we improve our personal health as well as doing our part in taking care of the environment. 

I am conscious about both personal health and the Earth’s health. That’s why lately I pay more attention when planning our family dinners (where we eat more proteins). 

However, I do love meat, and I often feel the need to eat some good steak. 

Since we moved to Colorado, we have definitely improved our BBQ skills, but I’ve found myself missing the roast. All our grandmothers, with different recipes, make amazing roasts. It’s a typical dish for family reunions in Italy, which used to happen every weekend. 

After months of research in Boulder, I found a great piece of meat which is amazing as a roast. It’s funny, because typically you think about a roast cooked in the oven, but when following my mother-in-law’s recipe, it is cooked in a big pot. 

I usually serve the roast with potatoes and salad. It’s definitely one of my favorites and is perfect for winter occasions. 

The main secret ingredients are: 

  • Butter + olive oil

  • Milk 

  • Love

Take a look in the Instagram highlights section of foodMindset and you will find all the steps to make an amazing Italian roast in a pot. 


3 carrots

1 onion

3 celery stalks 

1 stick of butter

50 ml olive oil

100 gr milk




  • Wash, cut and blend the veggies.

  • 20 ml olive oil in the pan

  • Add the veggies and wait until they turn golden

  • Remove the veggies from from the pot 

  • Add the butter stick in the empty pot and let it melt down.

  • Add the roast in the pot and brown it for ~ 3 minutes per side.

  • When the outside is well cooked remove the roast from the pot

  • Add the veggies in the empty pot 

  • Add salt and pepper and the oil 

  • Add the roast and cover it with the milk

  • Cook at low heat for around one hour

  • Take the roast out, let cool it down and cut it in slices

  • Blend veggies and milk and then add the roast slices to rest in there

  • Before serving, warm it up a little bit.

Buon appetito!

P.S. You can store the leftovers in the refrigerator. This way, you can save cooking time and you don’t over eat ;)


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