Is exercising with loved ones healthy?

Fun and fights

If you already know me, you know that I always have strong opinions. And of course, I have a lot to say about this topic too! Valentine’s Day is coming and I am planning the special edition Valentine’s Masterclass. I asked Ale to be my partner and I am already regretting it - ahahahah. Ale has even stronger opinions about everything than me! 

However, I can’t wait to work out with him. We used to do it at least twice a week before the kids. I think our last class together was last Valentine’s class. I like to exercise with him because it’s fun and he makes me laugh so much while suffering. Nevertheless, doing sport with Ale makes me extremely happy because it reminds me why we love each other. We have a lot of passions and interests in common and we like to support and motivate each other, our loved ones, and all people in our lives to be challenged and pushed forward. Exercising together is one of the things that brings me the most joy. 

My summers in Italy are proof of this. Ale and I both grew up in the same tiny region, and there we have so many friends and relatives. We care to spend time with all of them, but the time is short and exercising while catching up with life is just the best!!

So, if you like to be active and you have never tried to workout with your partner, friend, or loved one you should do it! 

The science behind love and sport

There are millions of studies that talk about the benefits of exercising with loved ones. The three main aspects are: 

  • Motivation: many people struggle to find the motivation to exercise; supporting each other could be helpful.

  • Stronger relationship: exercising together may improve mood and increase relationship satisfaction.

  • Fun: it may help make exercise more enjoyable, which can make it easier to maintain a workout routine.

In conclusion, from a psychological perspective, times of stress are often the very times when exercise will be particularly beneficial and help us cope more effectively with our problems. The emotional and relationship benefits of spending time together with our loved ones—in addition to the pleasures and physical and mental health benefits of exercise itself—may help us not only cope more effectively with our stressors but also build and maintain a healthy intimate relationship.


Giorgia’s day


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