Giorgia fitMindset Fall 2022

GfM balanced

On September 20th it will be 2 years since we opened Giorgia fitMindset, LLC. It seems like yesterday, but when looking at how many people we have actively empowered it seems like forever ago So many changes since the beginning. Adding warm up and stretching, a few more pieces of equipment, the different types of memberships, the masterclass, workshops, and so many little details that makes GfM so unique. For a while behind the scenes we have been working to restructure Giorgia fitMindset. We have decided to eliminate the three memberships/commitments (GOGOGO - PUSH - TOP) to give more space to what makes a huge difference in GfM: highlighting the difference between the teaching and the coaching programs.

Teaching Program 

I designed Giorgia fitMindset teaching program to be the fitness structure that will lead you to achieve your active dreams. Following this journey, you will learn how to workout different parts of your body with different intensities. I will be there to lead you whenever you can show up, on Zoom or on demand.

4 sports conditioning classes/week + 1 weekly stretching session

24/7 accessibility

After years of studying bodies moving, I believe that the best active routine for ambitious and busy people, like us, should be, 6 days of intensity and 1 day of active recovery (GfM Article

 4 sports conditioning workouts + 2 cardio activities + 1 active recovery day

That’s why every week you’ll find:

Video 1 - Stretching session: Active Recovery Day

Video 2 - Workout 1: Focus on Inner thighs

Video 3 - Workout 2: Focus on core

Video 4 - Workout 3: Focus on endurance

Video 5 - Workout 4: Refinement


Quarterly Program

Organized in quadrimesters.

There are 3 different quarters that follow the three different times and moods of the year.

Winter: January – April

Summer: May – August

Fall: September – December 

Each period has three levels of intensity:

GOGOGO Low – Medium intensity: 6 weeks (24 workouts)

PUSH Medium intensity: 6 weeks (24 workouts)

TOP High Intensity: 6 weeks (24 workouts)

We’ll progress together through the quadrimester.





I have created the Giorgia fitMindset Coaching program to be your active hand to hold when you can push, and the shoulder to lean on when you need to let it go. Through the GfM coaching program you’ll not only learn how to be active but you’ll create your own space. Working out will become an essential necessity.

Teaching Program 

  1. 4 workouts/week 

  2. Weekly stretching session

One-on-One with Giorgia: 

  1. Motivational Support; constantly on your side

  2. Personalized programs: Injuries, Pregnancies, Nutrition tips, Schedule setting.

  3. Initial Questionnaire

  4. Quarterly Personal Evaluation

  5. Quarterly Goal Setting

  6. Review and Personal Advice & Tips




Fall 2022 discount: $400


Extra Care monthly events. Giorgia fitMindset workshops are live events that touch specifically on aspects of the active routine. The masterclass is the in-person monthly workout that reminds us how beautiful it is to share the same passion with a community. The Pelvic Floor course is structured to teach you how to incorporate this hidden part of your body in the workouts. ‘The Japanese Aspects to Bring into Your Daily Life’ & ‘How to Establish an Active Routine in a Busy Life’ courses are 2 classes which show different reasons, methods and ways to change your lifestyle and become more active following your own journey that will lead you to a forever transformation. 


Legs day everyday!


I commit to myself