Train from home


gfm a pandemic baby.

The bright side of the pandemic. At the beginning of the pandemic, one of my friends shared with me that she needed to exercise, and to create time in her day just for herself. I offered her my expertise, and we started to workout together almost everyday online.

My Italian ex-colleagues also started to reach out to me and open their hearts to me. They were fighting against Covid-19 everyday in the hospital, and were lost, stressed, and broken. As a nurse myself, my heart went out to them. I wanted to do what I could to help them. I decided to record each workout class to share with them. They loved it and kept asking for more.

After a few months, other friends joined the course. Everyone began to see physical results in their own bodies after just a few weeks of training with me. Even better, we had created a lovely community where we could support each other and exercise hard together to promote a FitMindset.

Set up your home.

Workout equipment. Giorgia  fitMindset is a virtual Sports Conditioning workout routine. Bringing your gym and your personal trainer into your home has a lot of advantages. It’s safe, feasible, efficient, helpful and supportive. On the other hand, it does require setting up your home and buying or gathering some equipment. 

What you’ll need:

  1. Space: GfM classes are doable in a small room (9 feet x 6 feet) - (3m x 2m) 

  2. Broomstick: who doesn’t have a broom at home?!?!

  3. Elastic Band: usually, they are sold in packages of three (light-medium-heavy) for $15

  4. Fitness Ball: the cheapest that you can find online costs around $20, but you can opt to use a pillow and a chair that you already have at home

  5. Medicine Ball: it’s not essential, you can use a regular ball (kids, volleyball, basketball, soccer) or a pillow. But if you really want to buy one to add some weight during the exercises, they cost around $25-$30

  6. Kettlebells: personally, I love working out with the tea gallons (almost 4kgs). In Europe, I recommend using laundry detergent containers or whatever you find with handles that weigh 5-10 pounds (from 2 kgs to 4 kg) when filled  

  7. Water: you always need your water bottle near you

  8. Mat: it’s helpful and safer to workout on a mat to protect our joints and reduce bumps and bruises

  9. Device: you just need your smartphone and in a few clicks you are ready to start a class! However, a laptop or tablet is recommended because you can brattee see the exercises and correct form.   

  10. fitMindset: Being in the same place all day is hard and we can lose our motivation. I recommend creating a specific gym space and exercise in that same place in your home everyday. This way, every time you step into it, you immediately find your fitMindset waiting for you!

Here they are, your essential 10 ways to prepare your home for Giorgia fitMindset and start this incredible experience of working out from the comfort of your nest


Efficient and effective. Exercising in the comfort and safety of your home has many benefits. First of all is the convenience. A lot of people got lost without routines or goals during the first lockdown when all the gyms shut down. Second, it’s very efficient. The time it takes to travel to and from the gym is saved, and it only takes a few minutes to get ready. In addition, it’s a safe way to stay in touch with your fitness community everyday. 

Personally speaking, I will never go back to a gym for fitness. The efficiency is tremendous. We can exercise with the kids around, literally 2 minutes after we are done with work or even more, with the offline option any time during the day. On top of that, I can talk for hours about the effectiveness of exercising with a video based program like GfM. All the GfM members got excellent physical and mental results after few months of commitment at the new active routine.

This pandemic has opened our minds to new possibilities. I never thought to become a personal trainer, or that it would be possible to work out from home.


active routine


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